Code of Conduct
Seahorse Environmental is fully registered with The Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists and comply with all their requirements.
Seahorse’s campaign audit
We are driven by our passion for enhancing the natural environment and tackling the climate crisis. If we are unsure of whether the objectives of a proposed client campaign meet these aims, we conduct an audit before pitching to a potential client.
Seahorse transparency with clients
We will not make misleading or exaggerated claims about the nature or extent of our access to institutions of government, political parties, Whitehall or journalists.
We will ensure our clients are fully informed about what the Seahorse is able to deliver and achieve within a set campaign.
Seahorse public affairs transparency
We use reasonable endeavours to confirm the truth and accuracy of all the statements made or information provided to institutions of Government. Whether directly, or on behalf of client.
We always make clear who we are representing when speaking to institutions of Government and do not misrepresent their interests.
We do not take or give out bribes and are fully compliant with the Bribery Act.
If any Seahorse colleague takes an advisory role within a Government Department or any agency or body associated with that Department, or within a department, body or agency linked directly to Government we would declare this immediately, whether pro bono or paid, if we were to have contact with a Minister, Special Adviser, Permanent Secretary or Director-General or equivalent person, whether face-to-face or via any form of electronic communication, for the explicit purpose of offering advice or opinion about any aspect of the work of the policy or administration of that public body.
We agree not to employ a member of Parliament or Assembly to conduct public affairs in any capacity.
We will not make any award or payment in money or in kind to any MP, MEP, Peer, MSP, Welsh Assembly or Norther Ireland or London Assembly member, or to connected persons acting on their account.
Staff who also serve as members of decision making public bodies, including councillors are prohibited from working on assignments of which the objective is to influence a decision of the body on which they serve.
If any colleagues serve as members of decision-making public bodies, those individuals must have no involvement in advising on or supporting work that relates to those bodies, either directly or indirectly.
We will declare APPG services on the Lobbying Register.